New year means new books to read and the team at Experiential, Inc. has a lengthy list for the year. But, the first one at the top of most lists is: Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. This self-help book outlines lies we tell ourselves and how to overcome them. Two of the firm’s managers read the book and wanted to share how it not only applies to them, but how they can also incorporate the lessons learned at work too.
“Girl Wash Your Face is about the lies we all subconsciously tell ourselves that hold us back from happiness, our goals, and from our own personal growth,” a campaign manager at Experiential, Inc. summarized. “I definitely tell myself several of those lies, but the one I most commonly tell myself is ‘I’m not enough.’ I’m a perfectionist to my core and I think I sometimes disguise it as competition or work ethic or ambition, when in reality it’s something that holds me back. It’s a lot easier to take those lies about ourselves and dress them up as something prettier. But at the end of the day, I need to be able to find value in my failures and peace in knowing that I am a work in progress and that I’m never too much. I’m always enough.” This book encourages you to look within yourself while Rachel, the author, shows who she was to learn the lessons to be the person she is now.
When asked to reflect on lies we oftentimes tell ourselves, Brittany, our executive, said “I am constantly comparing myself to others. This is a common weakness in our society. I appreciate that this book made me more aware of it, but also made me really analyze why I do this and how to stop.” The author doesn’t sugar coat anything and showcasing the rawness encourages the reader to make changes in our daily lives more tangible.
The writing style is a favorite for readers. “She’s blunt and calls herself and the readers out while still being very witty. The book definitely makes me self-reflect but it’s done in a way that has me laughing,” said Sawyer.
The anecdotes are descriptive and the chapters have summaries at the end. “It is a quick read. I could not put it down! I read it in a day! But, I am confident I will read over and over again, especially growing in this training program and life,” Brittany mentioned.
This book is great to apply in everyday life, but we can talk about some of the bigger topics in the books in our office. One of the chapters discusses goal setting and Rachel, the author, has a goal to earn a Louis Vuitton Bag with her first $10k check and just like Rachel, Sawyer has a big goal in mind: “I want to write a 6 figure tithing check to my church.”
The team recommends this book as a January read as it helped us set goals and envision our dreams for 2019, but more importantly, reminded us to stop believing the lies!
You can view our vision board night photos on our facebook page !
You can check out Rachel’s book: Girl Wash Your Face wherever books are sold!