Reviews Are In: Working Out Fuels the Experiential, Inc. Team In and Out of the Office

With the glut of marketing firms in the valley it is important to stand out through company culture; and the team at Experiential, Inc. dedicates their team activities to building mind and muscles. The most recent team activities were a Spin Class, a Kickboxing class, and a yoga class (not in the same day, don’t worry) and the reviews are in: the lessons gained in the workouts fuels them in and out of the office.

“We find that exercise changes our attitude towards our work, our team, and even ourselves,” stated a company executive. “It makes us more positive and more productive by improving our focus and ability to manage ourselves and others.” By no means is the team training for a triathlon, but partaking in an occasion HIIT workout is encouraged. There are many benefits to an avid workout and the team at Thrive encourages this health and wellness habit.

Experiential, Inc.’s promotions are retail based and although they create dynamic instore events through live marketing techniques, they utilize the practices from their workouts to challenge, encourage, and overcome obstacles. “Working in the Event Industry can be stressful so taking a kickboxing class with our team was a great stress reliever but also a positive team builder. My favorite part was partnering up for sparring and encouraging one another to push a little harder,” said Rachel, a campaign manager at Experiential, Inc.

Sometimes the favorite moments from the workout are seen after the fact. Justin, a campaign manager said, “The classes also makes people more cheerful and resilient in the face of stress. After our kick boxing class we went to an event and encouraged each other to accomplish our goals knowing that anything was possible.”

In the past the team has also hosted an in office Yoga flow to practice challenging their minds as well. “We are in a world surrounded by noise, I think it is important for us to recognize the benefits of silence,” said a company executive. Yoga means union and it is what Experiential, Inc. prides itself on when considering each of our core values: Knowledgeable Experts, Accountable to the Core, Team Based Approach to Growth and Unsurpassed Customer Service.

You can read more about the Experiential, Inc. team on the Company About page and apply to be a part of the team today!